SoGloP - Social Work with Global Perspective
Social Work with Global Perspective - An interdisciplinary contribution to youngsters' citizenship building
Guide for educators, youth trainers and local authorities
SoGlop, an Ersamus+ funded project in the key action 2 - strategic partnership in the field of youth, has been finalized. Over two years, partners from France (Centre Social et Culturel de Bohain, Groupe d’Appui et de Solidarité and Région Hauts-de-France), Italy (Marche Solidali and Regione Marche) and Germany (Eine Welt Netzwerk Thüringen e. V. and Thüringer Staatskanzlei) conducted an innovative project approach combining global learning and social work.
A guide Social Work with Global Perspective - An inter disciplinary contribution to youngsters' citizenship building has been elaborated during the project to disseminate the project's results and the uses methodology to interested educators, youth trainers and local authorities.
The guide can be downloaded here.